Basic Configurations

Before starting the configuration and customization of John-Bot on your server, here are some basic tips.

Video tutorial related to this page: Preparing Your Server for John-Bot Configuration (Prerequisites) - Tutorial #2

📋 Verify Permissions

To function properly, John-Bot must have a certain number of permissions. It is strongly recommended to assign the administrator permission to avoid any conflicts. When adding John-Bot, you probably already assigned these permissions, but a check is necessary. To do this, go to your Discord server settings.

📌 Access the Dashboard

To configure John-Bot, you need to access the dashboard. Here are the different ways to access it:

Using the /dashboard command

Go to the Discord server you want to configure and access a channel where you can execute commands. Then type the command /dashboard in this channel and click on the button titled Dashboard. You will be redirected to your server's dashboard page and may need to authenticate with your Discord account. If so, simply click the Authorize button at the bottom right.

Via the website

Go to John-Bot's website at: and click on the button at the top titled Dashboard. You may need to authenticate with your Discord account. If so, simply click the Authorize button at the bottom right. Then, choose the Discord server you want to configure and click on it. You will then be redirected to your server's dashboard page.

With the exact web address

You can directly access your server's dashboard by entering the following format into your web browser: Replace guildId with your server's identifier¹.

🇫🇷 Set the Language

Before starting any configuration, it is advisable to choose the display language for John-Bot. Find out how to do it: Change Your Server's Language

1: Find your server's identifier: Where to Find My User/Server/Message ID?

Last updated